Derek Bridges
You v. Duchamp [Updated]
Yes, you may now play an online game of chess against “a Duchampian ghost.” Makes me wonder what a chess set of readymades would be like. Update: And for Duchamp information, check out this page. h/t Dish
The Man in the Red Beret … in Croatia 1
These videos are from our time in Opatija, Croatia for the 2013 FIDE World Seniors Chess Championships. We made these videos to stand alone or to be watched in sequence. Featured in addition to Jude Acers is Marilyn “The Marilyn” Pelias from New Orleans who also competed in Croatia, coached by […]
Jude & the French Quarter Festival [Updated]
Jude made it to Lynn Drury’s FQF performance, afterwards presenting her with a Southern Candymakers special box of goodies. Sunday he reserved a special chair for “the princess,” New Orleans writer Dedra Johnson; he treated her to a couple fine drinks from the Gazebo Cafe [follow link to an Instagram video […]
Your Move
Many folks have had lots of nice things to say about the video footage we’ve posted from our documentary-in-process about Jude Acers. A few folks have had some not so nice things to say about Jude Acers (more about them in a moment). I wanted to emphasize a couple of the nicer kind.
The first is from a chess blogger, The Armchair Warrior, who talks up our project and shares a thoughtful account of meeting and playing Jude in the French Quarter:
Please go to, where you will find a short film that captures the quintessential Jude. I promise it will be the best nine minutes of your day. It was one of the best parts of my yesterday. It shows Jude being, well, Jude!
Be sure to read the rest of his post.
And over on Facebook, a friend, the celebrated novelist Ru Freeman, raved:
I’ve donated to some kickstarter projects before, but this one is THE BEST of them all. The men in my family all play chess. They play it exceptionally well. They’ve managed/played and raised money for/coached our national team. They may be able to drop kick Jude’s bottom but I’m guessing not. I love this project. And I love the New Orleans that comes through too. Besides, Derek Bridges is a former loafer*. Please, if you’ve got a few to spare, do help this documentary along – they are so very close to their goal! (Oh, and I play chess too – and I was a star when I was on a team because people feared that the skill of my father and brothers must surely be embedded in me too. I won from psyching people out with that fiction).
I should clarify that being a “former loafer*” does not mean I’ve changed my sometimes aimless ways, it just means I went to Bread Loaf in 2007 (and that’s how I was fortunate to meet Ru). More importantly, check out this New York Times review of her new novel: