Via, here’s Jude Acers’ comment on the matter:
Another Dylan Loeb McClain blowtorch- in- prose which stages the naked OVERNIGHT horrifying choice everyone faced in the Baku 2016 world Fide congress we stage the Olympic contest in Berlin 1936 , win some gold with Jesse Owens, move everything out of there in 24 hours pronto,saying simply “never again” …or boycott at this very late date the ONLY willing and most enthusiastic big bucks sponsor? Ok World Chess readers ..YOU make the call .. as a last resort because no other sponsor will touch this event we abandon the women totally, possibly killing the event as non promotable if ANY UNQUESTIONABLY WELL MEANING,CAPABLE AND BIG BUCK BIDDER IS REJECTED FOR ANY POLITICAL or HUMAN RIGHTS REASON… or do we grab big beautiful smacking 48,000 dollars for world women’s chess champion Tan (“Could be life changing for some women”- grandmaster Susan Polgar) and wrap their heads up.. hoping for a vastly improved future for women with the big bucks…take the money and run? Your call. And do we really have a right to tell the women what to do in the first place? Maybe an emergency overnight internet vote of the worlds top 100 female rated players ..done around the clock from Baku Olympiad congress should have been possible, Jude Acers/ New Orleans ( full disclosure – I signed Nazi’s worldwide petition for boycott. 20,000 plus joined her.)