Whoooaah….Consider carefully my awesome staggering unbelievable luck…the Coffee Gallery/Janis/Grace Slick and High Society / THE JEFFERSON AIRPLANE and Sunshine the waitress was located no more than a hundred yards below Grant avenue HIGH IN THE SKY LANDMARK Coit Tower just above… where dazzling ‘COME HITHER LOUISIANA BOY’ …women might drag you helplessly entranced from the Coffee Gallery …ahem aheemm…. for intense moonlit high on the hill tree and shrub inspection activites…and just below CG was Cafe Trieste … just below was staggering poet publisher FERLINGHETTI AND SHIG THE CASHIER In their Kerouac haunted truly remarkable CITY LIGHTS BOOKSTORE …ENRICO AND THE ENTIRE GODFATHER/ COPPOLA PRODUCTION CREW hung out at Enricos across the street from there on Broadway / Coppola typed in Café Trieste!..and of course ACROSS FROM CITY LIGHTS… SPECS BAR WITH SPECS the BAR TENDER/ OWNER AND Richard “Trout Fishing ” Brautigan Pulitzer poetry prize winner and Marsha the Sculptor.. I introduced them to each other there./she found the body…..and just 6 blocks up the street 244 Kearny Fourth floor! ,,, was the Guthire McLain ‘s titanic quiet CALIFORNIA CHESS REPORTER ..and the pyramids. A WHISPER WALK FROM McCLAINS CAL MUNI BONDS OFFICE…..THE haunted- by- chessplayers- of- all nations… THE 170 year old MECHANICS INSTITUTE LIBRARY and CHESS ROOMS /57 Post street 4TH FLOOR! ADDISON/TARJAN/GREFE /BURKETT/FRITZINGER/BILLS/SUBU THE INDIAN……THE GREAT KURT BENDIT AND Sir Charles Bagby/Hendry Gross/Ramirez. who Fisher bit on the arm!.. JUST…. ONE UNBELIEVABLE WILD WEST RIDE AFTER ANOTHER FOR NINE YEARS. and believe me… it was all pure blind dumb luck.ALL I did was sit and stare. Jude the Innocent.. fledgling vagabond street urchin. Jude Acers/ New Orleans
Whoooaah….Consider carefully my awesome staggering unbelievable luck…the Coffee Gallery/Janis/Grace Slick and High Society / THE JEFFERSON AIRPLANE and Sunshine the waitress was located no more than a hundred yards below Grant avenue HIGH IN THE SKY LANDMARK Coit Tower just above… where dazzling ‘COME HITHER LOUISIANA BOY’ …women might drag you helplessly entranced from the Coffee Gallery …ahem aheemm…. for intense moonlit high on the hill tree and shrub inspection activites…and just below CG was Cafe Trieste … just below was staggering poet publisher FERLINGHETTI AND SHIG THE CASHIER In their Kerouac haunted truly remarkable CITY LIGHTS BOOKSTORE …ENRICO AND THE ENTIRE GODFATHER/ COPPOLA PRODUCTION CREW hung out at Enricos across the street from there on Broadway / Coppola typed in Café Trieste!..and of course ACROSS FROM CITY LIGHTS… SPECS BAR WITH SPECS the BAR TENDER/ OWNER AND Richard “Trout Fishing ” Brautigan Pulitzer poetry prize winner and Marsha the Sculptor.. I introduced them to each other there./she found the body…..and just 6 blocks up the street 244 Kearny Fourth floor! ,,, was the Guthire McLain ‘s titanic quiet CALIFORNIA CHESS REPORTER ..and the pyramids. A WHISPER WALK FROM McCLAINS CAL MUNI BONDS OFFICE…..THE haunted- by- chessplayers- of- all nations… THE 170 year old MECHANICS INSTITUTE LIBRARY and CHESS ROOMS /57 Post street 4TH FLOOR! ADDISON/TARJAN/GREFE /BURKETT/FRITZINGER/BILLS/SUBU THE INDIAN……THE GREAT KURT BENDIT AND Sir Charles Bagby/Hendry Gross/Ramirez. who Fisher bit on the arm!.. JUST…. ONE UNBELIEVABLE WILD WEST RIDE AFTER ANOTHER FOR NINE YEARS. and believe me… it was all pure blind dumb luck.ALL I did was sit and stare. Jude the Innocent.. fledgling vagabond street urchin. Jude Acers/ New Orleans