susan polgar

Susan Polgar coming to New Orleans 5

Editor’s Note

I present Jude Acers’ latest Chessflash dispatch in two versions: an edited version without ALL CAPS, followed by Jude’s unedited original text.

Chessflash World News

May 23, 2012

Grandmaster S. Polgar brings her $100,000 Scholarship Prizes-Monster Girls/Boys Chess Event to New Orleans June 1-3, 2012 –Gives a fabulous Polgar Simultaneous Chess Exhibition  (maybe a little lecture too if we is lucky little chillin!) 7 p.m. sharp at tourney location hotel … on Saturday, June 2, 2012 at Superdome Holiday Inn, 320 Loyola Avenue, New Orleans, LA.

The Sensation Multimillion Dollar Promo Chess Machine called Susan Polgar brings her $80 million Webster College (Missouri) backed endowment (see the New York Times and Wall Street Journal for further coverage of the story that Chesslab helped break worldwide) and her $100,000 Texas Tech Final Scholarships Fund to boot is on the line … Madame Polgar heads for Missouri pronto after the tourney, with 10 Grandmasters on her team also moving en passant … All details at, … Chesslab readers know of the colossal price bonus baby superstar chess author/player/teacher/superstar world leading tourney organizer Ms. Polgar has paid for chess freedom and serious chess promotion. Great books/articles …Slandered beyond words, cheated horribly by U.S. Chess Federation crooks … She now emerges as the great leader of American international/domestic chess organization with the big bucks and last laughter behind her … Chesslab readers may wish to know that a mystery person will appear without any warning whatsoever at some secret, already determined location on her schedule to honor international chess grandmaster Susan Polgar with a red rose to match his own red beret … This will all happen in a flash dear readers and he will disappear in 10 seconds flat … into the night as always … stay tuned Chesslab readers …We will reveal the mystery man’s identity thereafter ….

Historical Note: Polgar’s exhibition/tourney site is 100 yards from Fischer’s Gravier Street YWCA 1964 exhibition location, Lajos Portisch’s 1973 exhibition and 200 yards from Grandmaster Evans’ 1954 US Open victory … it is vooodooo … That is one hot square in New Orleans chess history … It is located just across from the New Orleans Main Public Library



The Jude Acers World

Polgar Leaving Texas Tech 2

Susan Polgar is moving her chess program from Texas Tech University to Webster University in St. Louis, clearly affirming St. Louis as the hottest chess hot spot in the country. From the New York Times:

The top 10 players at Texas Tech — eight grandmasters and two international masters, some of whom had just committed to the university — are also switching. They are scheduled to start in the fall; Ms. Polgar is to begin on June 1. On paper, Webster will have the No. 1 ranked team in the country.

Webster had an endowment of about $80 million and was financing the new program, including the cost of scholarships, entirely on its own. The financial commitment would run at least long enough for the students who are matriculating, some of whom are freshmen, to graduate. Mr. Schuster said that having a top team would eventually more than pay for itself by raising Webster’s profile and stimulating interest in the university.